COVID safety protocols
We have instituted a number of changes to our procedures and policies to do our best to keep both clients and Serendipity staff as safe as possible.
FACE MASKS- OPTIONAL- Masks are optional. You may request that your therapist wear a mask if that would make you feel more comfortable (some therapists request that you still wear a mask- click here to check)
Prepayment of appointments -- we will request that you pre-pay for your appointment. When you arrive for your appointment, call to let us know. We will take pre-payment over the phone.
No clients in waiting area -- Clients are asked to remain in the cars upon arrival at the studio. Please call us at 571-217-1150 to let us know you are here. We will call or text you back when we are ready for you to come straight into your treatment room.
Removal of shoes upon arrival -- to limit what is tracked into the studio, we will be providing sanitized slip on sandals for you to wear while in the studio.
Our front door will be locked. Be sure to call 571-217-1150 upon your arrival for your scheduled appointment. You'll be let in by your therapist.
Please only the person who is receiving services should be coming into the studio. Please do not bring someone who will be waiting for you.
Please only bring what you need for your appointment in---leave anything that isn't a necessity in your car.
Each room will have a sanitized plastic bin to put your clothes in during your treatment rather than on the chairs.
An additional layer of protection on each table will be a sanitizable sheet between the bottom sheet and the heating pad on each table. There is also a sanitizable vinyl covering on all the face cradles. In addition there will be a extra disposable layer under the face cradle cover.
Extra sanitization -- Each room will be sanitized in between each appointment- all handles, surfaces and anything touched during appointments, tables, light switches, etc. Bathrooms will be cleaned / sanitized at least 1x per hour
Blankets on the table will be replaced with towels so that they can be changed out after each service
As always, therapists will wash hands and arms thoroughly prior to and after each appointment.
What is your policy on vaccination?
We believe that a persons medical choices are between them and their doctors, not their employer and whether to have a vaccine or not is actually a medical choice. Therefore, we don’t have a policy about vaccinations, we don’t require either our clients or our therapists to be vaccinated and we will not ask anyone about their medical choices. Historically, our clients and therapists have appreciated the confidentiality and respect we’ve always showed them.
As you know we value our clients and therapists and truly love the business we’ve built over the last 14 years. It’s important to us that everyone feels comfortable in our studio which is why we have followed rigorous sanitation protocols since we re-opened on June 3, 2020. We have been told repeatedly that our sanitation efforts are above and beyond and make everyone happy. And results count - no client or staff has gotten COVID from the studio nor has brought it into the studio. So we will continue to implement these same sanitation protocols indefinitely.