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Bee Sting First Aid Tips


It’s the time of the year when insect activity picks up. And for that reason, you must always be on the lookout for bees, wasps, and anything else that can sting you.

Unfortunately, no matter how many preventative steps you take, there’s no way to guarantee your protection.

Here are some first aid tips to follow should you suffer a bee sting:

• Stay calm: Yes, it’ll hurt, but it’s best to remain calm and think clearly.

• Remove the stinger: If you’re unable to do this yourself, ask someone to assist you.

• Wash the sting: Using warm water and soap, gently wash the site of the sting.

• Apply ice: The sooner you do so, the better chance you have of reducing swelling.

• Keep an eye on it: As the hours pass, keep a close eye on your sting site and surrounding area. Should you have any serious concerns, it’s time to seek medical attention.

It’s your hope that you never have to follow these tips, but a bee could sneak up on you at any time.

Should that happen, the above guidance will put you on the fast road to a full recovery.

Jennifer Ferdinand, owner of Serendipity Wellness Studio in Burke, VA, has been practicing massage therapy and esthetics since 2006. She is nationally certified through NCBTMB, and licensed in Virginia for both Massage Therapy and Esthetics.

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